I'm Chanbin Lim,

an avid runner and explorer who thrives on new experience.

Whether it's pounding the pavement during a sunrise jog or discovering hidden trails in the wilderness, I find joy in every stride.

🙋   I've worked for

  • Samsung Electronics

    Working as a system software engineer

    SEP. 2020. - Current

  • Continental Automotive

    Worked as a software engineer

    JAN. 2018. - JUL. 2020.

  • HappyTel

    Worked as a mobile repair technician at Australia

    JUL. 2017. - JUN. 2018.

  • Samsung Software Membership

    Completed semesterly projects

    JUN. 2014. - JUN. 2017.

  • Jeonbuk National University

    Majored in electronics

    MAR. 2011. - MAR. 2018.


💪   Available My Skill & Role

  • Problem solving
  • Speaking in english
  • Android OS
  • Based on electronics
  • Embedded system
  • C/C++/Java/Python
  • web crawling
  • Debugging
  • Data structure